
3 simple tips for beating the afternoon slump

If you feel sleepy around 3pm, and just want to take a nap, then it’s time to take a look at how you’re fuelling your body throughout the day.

1. Get some sun

When you’re stuck indoors, and stuck for inspiration and energy, a brisk walk can do wonders. Get outside for some sunshine (vitamin D), and fresh air to clear those cobwebs and boost your motivation. By getting some natural light and light exercise through a brisk walk, however brief, you’ll be able to pull through the afternoon shift. [i] One study found that even a short ten-minute walk is just as invigorating as a cup of coffee.[ii] Too busy to get away? Why not introduce a walk-and-talk catch up with your colleagues? Head to your nearest nature park or green space, to boost the benefits of your outdoor time.

2. Walk to the water cooler

Being stuck behind your desk, or standing in the one spot can cause lethargy. Get up and fill up your water bottle for a win-win. As dehydration is the main cause of tiredness, keeping your fluid levels topped up will help to transporting oxygen and improve focus. Try the 8 x 8 rule: eight times a day, drink an eight-ounce glass of water (about a standard glass).[iii] Plus, by getting moving you’ll be getting your blood flowing too, as small amounts of movement may help to boost those energy levels.[iv]

3. Swap your caffeine for supplements

Supplementing your energy levels with healthy alternatives to your usual coffee may be a good idea, especially if your day leaves you unable to do any of the above. Daily supplements of Ubiquinol, the reduced form of Coenzyme Q10 ‘CoQ10’, are the ultimate energy booster. Ubiquinol helps to convert nutrients from carbohydrates and fats we eat into energy which our bodies can utilise. A new study has found that athletes who took Ubiquinol supplements greatly increased their performance, and helped their bodies recover better after exercising. Even if you’re not a trained athlete, it’s the perfect swap with your afternoon caffeine boost.[v]

You could also meal prep to help avoid your afternoon slump. Think Ubiquinol-strong foods, such as red meat, spinach, sardines and wholegrains. However, as you’d need to eat up to 3.5kg of red meat, 5.7kg of chicken or 50 cups of spinach daily, a daily supplement is also a good idea to accompany a healthy, balanced diet.

Taking supplements are an efficient way to help restore healthy levels of Ubiquinol and CoQ10 in the body and support optimal energy levels.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. 








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