Established in 1949, and headquartered in Japan, Kaneka is dedicated to the development of world-class technology in the field of foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, electrical raw materials, synthetic resins and synthetic fibres.
As a company, Kaneka continuously strives to maintain their leading position through research, development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative products.
Kaneka started to manufacture highly purified CoQ10 from yeast in 1977 and maintains its reputation as a leader in the production of CoQ10 by using patented original manufacturing technology and highly controlled quality management.
Early in 2007, Kaneka unveiled the next generation of CoQ10, Kaneka UbiquinolTM.
Backed by 45+ years of research, development and testing and 100+ studies, Kaneka UbiquinolTM is the only supplemental Ubiquinol ingredient available today and is utilised in hundreds of consumer products around the world. Kaneka UbiquinolTM is now being shown in repeated clinical trials to be the most effective and powerful form of CoQ10 available.
Kaneka is also the sole manufacturer of stabilised and regulatory approved Ubiquinol globally.
With people and technology growing together into creative fusion, Kaneka aims to break fresh ground for the future. They are committed to challenging the environmental issues of our planet and contribute to improving quality of life.
Kaneka has overseas subsidiaries in the United States, Belgium, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China, Vietnam, India, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia and Brazil.
In Australia Ubiquinol is sold as a supplement by various vitamin and supplement brands.