Category: dr ross walker

dr ross walker

Cardiovascular Health Webinar for NutraIngredients Australasia

Jan 2024 Antioxidants, cardiovascular health, Cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, dr ross walker, Energy, Fitness, Health, Heart, Kaneka, long covid, Mitochondrial health, Nutrition, Ubiquinol Read More

World Heart Day 2023

Sep 2023 cardiovascular health, Cholesterol, dr ross walker, Heart, Mitochondrial health, Ubiquinol Read More

Webinar for Malaysian Pharmacists on Post-Pandemic Health Challenges and Nutrition

Apr 2023 Ageing, cardiovascular health, complementary medicine, COVID-19, dr ross walker, Energy, Fatigue, Health, Health Industry, Heart, Immunity, Kaneka, long covid, Mitochondrial health, Nutrition, post pandemic, Ubiquinol, Vitamins, wellness Read More

APP 2023 on COVID-19 and Heart Health

Apr 2023 Ageing, cardiovascular health, complementary medicine, Conference, Conferences, COVID-19, dr ross walker, Energy, Fatigue, Health, Heart, Kaneka, long covid, Mitochondrial health, Nutrition, post pandemic, Ubiquinol, Vitamins, wellness Read More

Leading Australian Cardiologist at APP 2023

Mar 2023 Antioxidants, cardiovascular health, Conferences, COVID-19, dr ross walker, Energy, Fatigue, Health, Health Industry, Heart, Kaneka, long covid, Nutrition, Ubiquinol, Vitamins, wellness Read More

Nutritional Medicine Tackling Post-Pandemic Health Challenges

Sep 2022 COVID-19, dr ross walker, Energy, Fatigue, Health, Heart, Immunity, Kaneka, long covid, Mitochondrial health, Nutrition, post pandemic, Ubiquinol, Vitamins, wellness Read More

The Health Impact of COVID-19 on the Cardiovascular System

Aug 2022 Antioxidants, cardiovascular health, complementary medicine, Conference, Conferences, COVID-19, dr ross walker, Energy, Fatigue, Fitness, Health, Heart, In The News, Kaneka, long covid, Mitochondrial health, post pandemic, Ubiquinol Read More

dr ross walker