Who doesn’t want beautiful skin? Of course every time we hear “anti-wrinkle” we are fighting to get our hands on the latest product to try. Usually, we’re disappointed because often it’s short lived or the routine is too onerous for our lazy skincare ways. In our quest we are always trying out professional facials too. However, if you think about it, how long do the benefits of the facial last? There’s probably sun damage, smog and the occasional unhealthy diet which robs our skin of its glow. Your skin is the first part of your body to show signs of any imbalance, ageing starts from the inside. Don’t we always hear, “If there was only a magic pill…?” Well, there is; sort of. In addition to your regular skincare taking care of the inside of your body will work wonders for gorgeous skin. Upping your vitamin intake is a great way to help the skin achieve that beautiful glow, ideally through your healthy diet but vitamin supplements can be a great addition to your routine. So which ones?
The easiest option is a quality multi vitamin designed especially for Women. As this will have the right vitamin and minerals for your daily needs. But if you want to explore further, or to ensure the multi you are choosing has everything you need for your skin consider these:
Firstly, Vitamin B is a great supporter of the skin and it also aides in giving the metabolism a push and oh yes, we will take all of the help we can get! There are 8 different types of Vitamin B so best to trust your Multi, or go for a B Complex.
Interestingly enough, another supplement is Iron. We were surprised to find out it helps activate the B vitamins. Hair and nails become stronger as well. Yes!
This one may be no surprise because its benefits seem to be endless. In relation to the skin, Omega 3 Fish Oil helps the skin retain moisture and maintain collagen. Just ensure you read “no fishy after taste” in the description. Otherwise, not fun.
Finally, Vitamin C and E are great antioxidants. We’ve also discovered Ubiquinol, which regenerates cells and fights free-radical damage that can lead to visible signs of ageing.
Remember vitamin supplements should not replace a balance diet. However your skin will be radiant if you develop a vitamin regime to love your insides. Say hello to that glow!